Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm down, he's up.

  • 1.2 lb weight loss this week, for a total of 15.4 lb! And to think I ate three pieces of cake in the last three days. Or was it 4 pieces? It was good cake (funfetti, from Hayden's baptism).
  • Hayden had his 4 month appointment today, he's up to 16 lb 4 oz! Poor guy had three shots in his legs though, wasn't happy. We decided to go shopping afterwards for some retail therapy.
  • My pledge to not buy any more scrapbooking stuff for a while was broken again. Maybe if I put it in print....I WILL NOT BUY ANY MORE SCRAPBOOKING STUFF UNTIL I GET MY FIRST NEW PAYCHECK!
  • Working from home is logistically difficult. I need to seperate my work material and my craft material. It's all on the same desk right now, and one distracts me from the other.
  • I haven't been working as many hours as I'd like. Must really put the nose to the grindstone this week, if I want to make money.


Julie Ann Shahin said...

I was looking for pictures of the baptism! Thanks for your support in my blog today. You are the best.

Sue K. said...

meh, the pictures taken with our camera came out blurry. Waiting to see if the relative's pics came out any better.