Wednesday, April 26, 2006


"Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."

If I get a call tomorrow morning, someone's in big trouble. They're running a big test of a new system. I got pulled off of that project a while back, thank goodness. And I don't have time for it anyways, but they just have no concept of reality. I am going to sit back and be quiet, because if I speak up, I may get sucked back into the project.

I am really getting fed up with the state of clutter that exists around me. I am just too overwhelmed with it to know where to begin. I know I should be patient and wait until the attic is done so I can move things into my space deliberately, but I just can't stand not having a place for everything right now. I have about 28 boxes of baby clothes in various sizes, maternity clothes and prebaby clothes that don't quite fit yet in my bedroom, because they can't go back into the storage area in the attic until the attic is done. My desk is being used for work, scrapbooking, filing and kid crafts. I feel like I keep shifting piles of stuff around. *sigh*

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Now, that quote is one I use often. So very true!

I too hate clutter and I keep finding myself right in the middle of it. I know it can not possibly be my fault... Hummm