Monday, April 03, 2006

Handel Challenge: Day 3

The west end of our attic room. Posted by Picasa

I didn't start this on time, but I've started nonetheless. Here is my raw canvas, our attic. It's not quite finished, there are a few more rows of flooring to put down, then the baseboard trim, and then we can start moving things up there. I am currently working on a floor plan (the room is approximately 18' wide and 22' long) so I can work out where to put my existing furniture, and to determine what the best placement for storage is. The window is facing west, there are also two skylights on the north side (right side of pic).


Kristy said...

Sue, this is going to be such and amazing room for you! I really look forward to seeing your progress!

Nikki said...

WOW...I love it!!

Maryfrances Fabbri said...

Oh YAY!! How fun it is to start with something new, and empty.