Friday, April 28, 2006

Creating Without Fear

Very interesting site: Creative Collage

I started the exercises on Creating Without Fear. Here is the result of the Week 2 exercise:

- Did the exercise seem worthwhile?
It was fun, kind of freeing, although I'm not sure what the point was.

- Did you gather your supplies together before beginning the exercise?

- Were you able to move through the steps effortlessly?
Yes, I just did it, and didn't really think about what I was doing.

- Did you put the completed exercise away right after you were finished?

- What was your first reaction to your completed exercise?
I didn't really like it. I didn't really compose anything, I just "made marks" and while it was fun to doodle and stamp, I don't feel the result does anything for me.

- Overall, how did you feel about the process?
I think there still needs to be thought in the creative process, but not judging thought.

Now, I haven't gone back and read the discussions yet, I may have more insight once I do that.


Kim Sonksen said...

Thanks for the link sound like great exercises.

Love your take on it

Kristy said...

Sounds interresting. Good thing to try!