Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer Reading

I've made two lists of books that I want to read this summer. One is a list of business or self-improvement books/audio seminars, and the other is a list of fun fiction. I'll probably add things to the list as I think of them, but this is the general idea:

Business/Self Improvement (some of these I've browsed or read partially)

1. Focus: Achieving Your Highest Priorities (audio workshop) - Franklin Covey
2. Book Yourself Solid - Michael Port
3. Little Black Book of Connections - Jeffrey Gitomer
4. Guerrilla Marketing
5. Sales Bible - Jeffrey Gitomer

Fun Fiction

1. Harry Potter Series (re-read)
2. Sin City - Frank Miller
3. 2001 Series - Arthur C. Clarke (re-read)
4. Rendezvous with Rama - Arthur C. Clarke (re-read)
5. The Glass Bead Game - Herman Hesse (re-read)

So far I've read Rendezvous with Rama, and I'm on the last book of the 2001 series. I've also started on the Focus workshop. I listen to the audio while I walk on the treadmill, and I do the exercises in a notebook. I'm also writing reviews of each of the books I read, I posted my review of Rendezvous with Rama the other day, and I hope to do that all summer. I tend to be a fast reader, but I tend to slow down a bit and retain more information when I know I need to report about it. It's just like school. :D

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